Hearing so much about diabetes from your neighbours when you first get diagnosed can make you feel a little confused. You might have some concerns about how to manage this condition. Don’t worry this blog will help you to know answers to some of the diabetes-related questions

1. Is diabetes a hereditary disease?

This is the most common concern among many diabetics as well as non-diabetics. There may be various causes of diabetes, however, type 2 diabetes (which often affects people in their middle to later years) can also be inherited in addition to being overweight, leading a poor lifestyle, etc.

According to a study, if one parent has diabetes, the chance of his/her son/daughter developing diabetes is 25% whereas if both parents have diabetes, their chance is around 50%. In recent years, it has been found that many people (between the ages of 35 and 40) develop diabetes.

Thus, similar to how genes are passed from parents to their children, diabetes is also passed, but its progression depends on your health, your lifestyle, etc.

2. I Have Diabetes; Do I Need to Take Insulin?

It is not a compulsion or a uniform rule that you should take insulin when you develop diabetes. Remember, effective insulin, decreased insulin, or an abrupt lack of insulin all contribute to the development of diabetes. The absence of insulin is type 1 diabetes which usually occurs in children.

In contrast, if an adult acquires diabetes at age 30 or older, it is a slow-moving condition that can be managed with medicine and lifestyle changes (such as diet and exercise). In spite of following all the medications and lifestyle changes properly if your HBA1C is above 7 for more than 6 months then you must be prescribed to take insulin to control glucose well and maintain HBA1C below 7.

Additionally, insulin is suggested if you experience any further complications from diabetes to control your blood sugar. Always remember that drugs and insulin are given to keep your blood sugar levels under control and make you healthy.

3. Does diabetes have to be treated with medication alone?

This is one of the most prevalent concerns among diabetics. Numerous factors, including decreased insulin levels, hereditary etc might result in diabetes. Whatever may be causing it, you have to control your diabetes well to avoid further complications. Usually, doctors give medications to identify the pathological problem and reduce diabetes.

In some cases, insulin may also be prescribed based on your diabetes level. At present, a special programme is available-Diabetes reversal and remission program, where you can manage your diabetes by reducing or eliminating your medication as long as you follow the strict diet and appropriate workout schedule advised by your doctor.

4. How does exercise benefit diabetics?

Diet, exercise, and medication are the most common approaches for managing diabetes. No matter what the occupation, there is less opportunity in our mechanized world to engage in vigorous physical activity by our dietary consumption. Hence, exercise is needed for a healthy life.

Exercise improves calorie intake, especially in the skeletal muscle and other tissues. Moreover, exercise improves blood circulation all over the body which makes tissues get more oxygen, glucose and nutrients. Further, your brain will secrete good endorphins when you do exercise which reduces stress and glucose and also promotes good sleep.

Exercise improves insulin resistance by reducing resistance in skeletal muscle, which leads to better skeletal muscle function. Additionally, it promotes improved liver function, which reduces excess glucose output.

To conclude

Thus, this blog will help you to understand and learn the most common diabetes-related questions. Contact our Diabetic Foundation for further information and to discuss the issues you are experiencing.